
michaelDay 92 So upon arriving at Echo Lake Resort on the morning of June 26th the talk was all about Michael Jackson’s recent death. So tragic. He was a troubled and strange man but there’s no denying his musical genius. But re-uniting with Oklahoman Adam eased our mourning. He was there sorting out re-supply along with big foot Lenny, Rogue, Frisbee and Highlander & Gingersnap, two friends from Massachusetts.  We enjoyed some good chill-axing before hitching a ride into South Lake Tahoe from a super-nice couple from Quincy who’d hiked the PCT in the 90s.

There we made a bee-line to Baja Fresh where we ate gallons of salsa, then got some food from the supermarket for our Zero Day at a family friend’s condo by Heavenly Ski Resort.

Now all we had to do was get our packs, the ridiculous amount of groceries we’d just purchased and ourselves to the condo a few miles away.  Since it was way too much to carry, we decided our best bet was to load it all into a shopping cart and push the trolley up the hill. We were in the middle of loading up the shopping card for our hobo hike when the Quincy couple returned and said they’d give us a lift. The kindness of strangers!

Having a whole condo to ourselves was LUX! After eating & showering we planted our a$$es on the couch to eat dozens of enormous soft-baked cookies, drink Corona and watch Sister Act.

I know why they call this place Heavenly.